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Fractora Radio Frequency Micro Needle Resurfacing – Scars

Home  /  Treatments  /  Fractora Radio Frequency Micro Needle Resurfacing – Scars

Fractionated radio frequency is the most advanced medical technology providing anti-aging improvement on skin tone and texture through ablation and skin resurfacing.  The Fractora treatment tip delivers RF energy into the skin through an array of pins producing localized heat and small micro lesion dots in the treatment area, this action allows the skin to heal faster than the entire area was ablated.  Deep or fine wrinkles, scars, blood vessels, discolored red and brown skin tone can all be effectively treated by Fractora.  While some patients can see very significant results after just one treatment, most patients will require 3 to 5 treatments to achieve maximum improvement.

Pre/Post treatment

  • Patient has to apply topical anesthetic prior to treatment
  • Treatment interval should be 4 to 6 weeks apart.
  • Social downtime: treated area may have pinpointed bleeding, red and slight swelling for 1 to 3 days.
  • Sunscreen should be used at all times after treatment

For more information about Fractora Radio Frequency treatment, please visit: http://www.invasix.com/Fractora_7

Fractora 点降射频电极针

Fractora 是微创皮肤重整治疗,利用电波频率透过细小的电极针将热量传至真皮层,使骨胶原受热后重新组织,继而令粗糙皮肤、幼纹、痘疤、红印及红根等问题改善。电极针在表皮留下的微细针孔伤口会极速痊愈,将恢复期减至最短。持续进行疗程可有更大改善。


Pre/Post Treatment 程前 / 后

  • 进行治疗前,可选择涂搽麻醉药膏或止痛/镇静类药物,减低不适感
  • 每次治疗相隔4至6星期
  • 疗程后治疗部位可能会稍微流血,并会红肿1至3日,接受治疗者须每日涂搽防晒霜保护皮肤


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